Very few workplaces escaped a multitude of change as a result of Covid-19. So which paradigm shifts should be maintained as we transition back to the workplace? We spoke to HR practitioners about what their ‘new’ old workplace might look like.
Whether virtual, blended or in-person, being able to run effective meetings is essential for reducing silos and increasing innovation. We provide some of our top tips…
Post Covid, the organisations who will thrive will truly understand the value of their purpose and culture. No one person can re-build an organisation, but with collective talent you have hope.
We provide advice for leaders seeking to re-build and re-invent their organisations during this period of uncertainty.
We are coming to a cross-roads. To settle into our new daily routine of remote working and wait for ‘normality’ to return or to create more change? Valuable, innovative, exciting change…
It’s been a crazy fortnight.
One thing is certain though - it’s at times like these that we all need to put our growth and innovation mindsets on and think more creatively and laterally. Whether it’s to discover new ways of working, new ways of delivering, or new ways of generating income (or all three!), there’s no doubt innovation skills are going to be vital.
To help you on this new and crazy journey, we’ve put a few top tips together.
Leaders can no longer rest on laurels of functional expertise, we need leaders that inspire and empower others to solve complex problems and create change with agility, actively driving innovation and change at every juncture. We ask the question Is Design-led leadership the answer?
Ever heard the catch cry ‘come to me with a solution and not a problem? Here we explore why the opposite should be true…
Looking to start 2020 off with some inspiring reading? We’ve done the hard work for you, so you can spend less time in the book shop and more time in the hammock.
As we come into a new year (a new decade, even!) it’s human nature to look back on the year that just happened and make plans for the year ahead. But, often those best laid New Year resolutions are lost to procrastination or overwhelm. Let’s look at how you can take real action in 2020!
It’s time to farewell the twenty-teens, but before we do so, we thought we’d share with you what the G2 community have enjoyed reading about most this year. From innovative leaders, to understanding innovation methodologies and reinventing organisational structures… it’s certainly a diverse mix!
The Future of Work is here. So why are we using the language of the past, to describe new ways of working?
When it comes to innovating, siloes are one of the biggest challenges for organisations. One way to break down these siloes is by holding cross-functional meetings. But Ugh! Doesn’t everyone hate meetings?
Here’s 5 Ways to Make Your Meetings More Effective.
Customer-centricity is fundamental to the success of any organisation. Many organisations are transforming their ways of working to be more customer-centric, but for teams such as Procurement, Finance, Audit and Compliance the customer can feel far removed from their work, and internal requirements can overshadow the greater purpose.
The Procurement and Systems team of our client, a major healthcare provider faced just this challenge. Here’s how we helped them overcome it.
We speak of ‘the future world of work’ as if it’s a destination we will arrive at one day. But the world of work is dynamic, in constant transition, since time began. Many of the skills to help you thrive are human-centred, skills that can’t be automated by machines. Here’s 8:
People want to work for purpose-led organisations, they want employee experiences that make a difference to them personally, that care for the environment and greater inclusivity. If the world and the way we work is changing that means a redesign of the organisational structure.
Systems are supposed to be dynamic and organic, changing with the needs of the people within them. The world is moving at a rapid rate, but can that be said of some of the systems humans have built? Is it just me, or do these systems seem more rigid than dynamic?
We believe that every leader in the 21st century needs to be innovative. In this infographic we share the qualities you need.
As with all great leaders, successful innovation leaders are always learning, relearning or unlearning. Our Leading Innovation Masterclass is custom created for team leaders, division managers, HR and marketing professionals, here are 5 things you’ll learn.
Clients have told us that getting buy-in from other team members to use Design Thinking is one of their most common hurdles. Change is scary when it involves challenging ‘the way we’ve always done things’. Here are 7 tips to help you bring your team along for the ride.
As part of the Commonwealth Government’s Innovation Month to celebrate thinking differently, being creative and trying new approaches, they invited organisations to share their stories with the theme: Test, Fail, Lean and Deliver. We couldn’t resist.
Innovation relies heavily on data, experimentation, analysis and iteration. Does this leave a place for gut instinct?
Steve Jobs, Mary Barra and Jeff Bezos are wonderful teachers but innovation leaders are not just CEOs or founders of multi-million-dollar start ups. Team leaders, division managers, HR and marketing professionals can all be innovation leaders - here we identify 10 qualities of successful innovation leaders.
When thinking about innovation, we often think of Google, Uber, the iPod, but these are radical innovations and quite rare. In successful businesses, around 70% of their innovation is incremental - small improvements like software upgrades, new flavours or a grip on the handle. How do organisations stay competitive driving more radical forms of innovation?
According to the Design Management Institute, ‘Every dollar spent on UX brings between $2 and $100 in return and design-centric companies 500 leading industries of US economy by 211%. So, how can Design Thinking save your business money? Here are 4 ways:
Struggling with creativity? It’s difficult to think creatively when you’re tired, stressed and overwhelmed. There are some daily practices you can adopt to get you ‘brain fit’. Here are 7 ways to boost your creativity.
We use Design Thinking as the engine for innovation. But, Agile and Lean are also high-rotation words in the innovation space. So, what are they? And what’s the difference?
People tell me that innovation is very IMPORTANT to their organisation. It might be a key strategic pillar or a core value and that is good. But, how URGENT is innovation to your organisation? When I ask people this question, they wonder what the difference is or if it’s a trick question.
Since the dawn of evolution, humans have communicated stories on cave walls, at the camp fire, through song, literature, film and advertising. There are many powerful reasons to tell stories - they give people a sense of purpose and belonging, unite over a common cause and reinforce identity. But there are shadow sides to storytelling…
Mike Oates completed his Master’s in Innovation Management in the UK and has just completed a 6 month internship at G2. At first we wondered if we would have enough work to keep him busy, before we knew it he had made himself irreplaceable. We asked Mike to write about his experience, this is what he said.
This month we’re celebrating 5 years in Australia, so we thought we’d celebrate by sharing our first ever infographic with you. 5 years is a long time in the innovation space, so what do you think, does it stand the test of time?